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Poster Display by Usability Students

April 15, 2013

Posters in Academic Building depict eye tracking studies


Students in Dr. Kevin Garrison’s ENG 4365: Usability Testing course conducted eye tracking studies in the Usability Lab this semester, and the results of their studies on posters are hanging in the hallway next to Academic 004.


According to Garrison, assistant professor of English, “My students were instructed to recruit an ASU student and then use the Usability Lab’s eye tracker to record video clips of what the participant looked at when interacting with different media – poems, video clips, games, mirrored text, advertisements, and the like. When you have a moment, enjoy seeing the results of their studies. Some of the posters are excellent conversation pieces with pedagogical implications, such as what happens when a student multi-tasks while playing Bingo or what happens when a student watches a foreign film with English subtitles.”